Your sky caves in
The one over you is gone
As the Prince of Darkness descends
Death hovers
Drones come to attack
He arrives olympianly
Kneel down! Kneel down!
He who commands you
And demands you
to become his disciple
For he who will give you solace
Sooth the beating agony in your chest
Put it to rest
Embrace the darkness within
Embrace the he
The seed of darkness he sows
And let your heart to decay
Embrace the he
As the blackened heart
Pump in hate in every cell
Embrace the he
The he who carves your supreme existence
As you trample humanity
Crush the limbs of those little ones
With bare hands
The barbaric sacrifice
As you take the blood of the little ones
Taste it
Drink it in one go
Gulp every drop of life
Your blood merges with it
He stands there and smile
He who has purified you.
Uffffffffff...Felt as if I stepped into a cave of a of U.