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Monday, April 23, 2012

The Waiting

We both can't see each other
And the longing exists.

Miles away from each other
But the bond exists.

Two friends, two companions
Yearn for those hope-filled words
Yearn for the walks with random talks.

The one sitting here is gazing at empty space
Hoping for just a glance of her
Hoping, she would come and utter a few words

I will be content with just a few
But just a few is a costly affair

As I continue to sit and stare
Empty spaces with maharaja on the backdrop
Meticulously cooking paneer pakoras.

Today is not one of those joyful days
I miss us and the waiting prevails.


  1. can't help talking about food can you?
    btw lucky friend huh... such beautiful thoughts for him/her.. naiceee.

  2. If you carefully read it is her and not him... food is food jas.. and indeed she is very lucky...

  3. Wow.. I like this one.
    And Jas, Bongs can't forget food, accept it.

  4. waiting prevails....that is faith!!

  5. my favorite is vegetable pakora.....ok, not the point.....this unrequited love theme is somewhat depressing, but, ultimately, emotion-provoking is sign of great poetry...
