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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Honeybees Haiku April 19, 2012

The buzzing sound

alerts me

honeybees attack

honeybees attack

bite me

here and there

I beg them

leave my face

still have to walk the aisle

Still have to walk the aisle

but where is my girl?

my honeybee.


  1. Turning from a threat to something cute! Creative!

  2. Sounds fun but this is not a haiku form. If you want the shortened version of 3-5-3, it goes something like this:

    buzzing sound
    honeybees attack,
    red siren

    Hope you don't mind ~

    1. Hey Grace...

      thanks a lot for the advice... only with poets like you that I will be able to master this form of poetry...

      Thank you so much...
