Monday, April 23, 2012

Bliss Haiku, April 24, 2012

Gobble down
Rasgullas in one go
Blissful you.

Hand crafted rice balls
Clumsily blend with fish jhol
Blissful me and you

Butler cooks
Dinner O! so far
Blissful wait.

(Rasgulla - spongy dessert dipped in sweet syrup. If you wish to woo a bengali guy or girl, this is your secret weapon.)
(Jhol - Indian curry in bangla language)

I have used to Indian terms in my haiku... I wonder if it is ok or not.

Description: I am in Allahabad with my family for my cousin's wedding ceremony. My cousins and I are cult fans of Bengali cuisine.
The maharajas cooked the scrumptious lunch for us. For hours and hours we waited for food like hungry pigs. As soon as the food was laid we pounced and hogged. This is a tribute to the finest cuisine on planet earth (for me it is).


  1. Ha ha! This is very different take from the ones I read....Lovely set....and Rasgullas!!....My mouth is watering!

    1. Thanks a lot... it is a weakness for many bongs like me...

  2. Different approach all together, surprising, good!

  3. LOL... cute n sweet! :) Bhalo! :P

  4. And after that it must have been a sound nap.. blissful..yes..
